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Dan Gradings

The Shintani International Karate Federation offers Dan recognition to its members. To advance to the next dan level, requirements must be met. A member will perform and be evaluated by the Technical Committee during Seminars, gradings and tournaments.  Upon successful completion of the Dan Grading, Dan Certificates will be issued for the rank obtained and registered as a Black Belt on the Black Belt Listing section of the website.


A new organization joining will be required to complete a Technical Standards document that outlines the requirements for each rank from 9th Kyu to 10th Dan Black Belt. The Technical Standards document includes the following:


1. Basics (Kihon)

2. Stances (Dachi)

3. Punches / Strikes (Tsuki / Uchi)

4. Blocks (Uke)

5. Kicks (Geri)

6. I-do Kihon

7. Kata

8. Kihon Kumite

9. Jyu Kumite


The Technical Standards document is used by the Technical Committee to evaluate any students who wish to attempt a Dan Grading. 


Those who wish to transfer his/her Dan grade from another style or organization should send their Dan grade certificate with a detailed personal history to

Dan Grading & Certificate Costs

Certificate Request / Dan Grading
Estimated Total Cost
Certificate Request (Shodan - Judan)
$150 CDN + Tax
$25 - $50 CDN
$175 - $200 CDN
Dan Grading (Shodan - Judan)
$150 CDN + Tax
$25 - $50 CDN
$175 - $200 CDN

Black Belt Grading Application

Dan Certificate Request

When filling out the applications, make sure to spell your name exactly as you would like it to appear on the certificate

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